Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker
Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Retro Entry : Happy Birthday Papa aka Atok

A bit outdated but not totally outdated :) We celebrated my papa's b'day on 14th Nov. This is hist 72nd birthday. I repeat 72. Woww, talk about oldskool. There were 7 Big candles and 2 little ones. So, go figure.

The celebration was held small and simple. My sis Suzy brought the cake from KLCC while the rest of us brought our empty stomach for some Laksa Pahang and cake. Earlier that day, i went to Guardian to purchase the Sugar level device checker thingy. As usual, the gift is not from me but from Mama. I'm just the guy that goes to the shop and buy it for her. "Papa, your gift kita hutang dulu ek".

My sis offered my papa and mama an umrah trip for next year for his birthday. Hmmm, Alhamdulillah la. The dates are not confirmed yet, subject to free of schedule.

The cake was very filling and delicious. Though small but very Rich in taste. Overall, it went well. So happy birthday to papa again.

Allah selamatkan kamu,
Allah selamatkan kamu,
Allah selamatkan Tuan Haji Shuib,
Allah selamatkan kamu!!!

Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, diberi kesihatan dan hidup diberkati Allah.

ps: cum papa's birthday, It has been 17 years since my trip to Europe and 13 years since my trip to Umrah


Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday to my beloved father in law aka papa..semoga pjg umur dah murah rezeki...aminnn

shuz said...

Dah 72 tahun pun boleh potong pokok lagi pagi ni. Kuat la pulok!!!

Anonymous said...

hahaha...leh jadik model produk Lasindah Cafe...